Online Life Coaching


What makes the 1-to-1 online life coaching sessions from the Habit Coach stand out? Well, this all boils down to Nick’s specific experience, training, and qualifications which is different to other trained professions. At its core, Nick is a life coach and trained ACT practitioner. However, his former background as an ABA therapist, outdoor pursuit instructor, NLP Practitioner, and M.Sc. in Consumer Studies enables him to draw from different behavioural disciplines and specialisations when needed. 


It’s not just talking about your struggles, your goals, and your progress. Your sessions can be quite skill-focused and experiential, meaning you will learn to do the practical techniques in session (and keep practising them in-between sessions using your resource library) to help you build the sort of life you want to live.


Nick’s roots are set in behavioural science and is accredited as an ILM Level 5 Coach. By weaving ACT into his online life coaching services, the service becomes more robust. ACT has a strong science foundation and is getting more and more momentum within the NHS. Since the beginning of 2024 there have been over 1100 randomised controlled trials on ACT or its components, evidencing its effectiveness in various settings.


After the online session, you’ll receive a recap within 24hrs. We also set you up for a client coaching portal. In the portal, you can access your personalised library (audio, video, links, etc.) so you can practise techniques outside your sessions at your own pace. Your coaching plan, your active goals, is also in here, so you’re held accountable and see your progress. 

Client coaching portalBook session


Nick has plenty of academic baggage to show you how to make behaviour change happen and last, but purposely tries to remain down to earth and most importantly: practical. You don’t want some academic talk full of jargon, you want simple tools and techniques you can practice for yourself and 'take home' immediately.

That said, professional development and understanding the theory behind behaviour change is very important. Therefore, over the recent years Nick has obtained the following qualifications and experience:

In 2017, I completed my final assessment in Cardiff to become a Qualified Life Coach with ILM (Institute of Leadership and Management). I currently am accredited at an ILM Level 5 in Effective Coaching. I’m also listed on the UK life coach directory, a nationwide database of qualified coaches and NLP practitioners.

ACT stands for Acceptance and Commitment Training, and is part of the so-called ”third wave” of (evidence-based!) behavioural therapies that places special attention on committed action. Behaving towards the stuff that matters to you, the stuff you stand for (but perhaps struggle with so far). I’m listed as an ACT Therapist on the ACBS, the Association for Contextual Behavioural Science. Specific ACT Training I have completed in the last two years: ACT for Difficult to Engage Teens with Ben Sedley (2 hr workshop, 2020), Telehealth: How To Do ACT Well Via Video or Audio with Russ Harris & Joe Oliver (2 hour workshop, 2020), ACT for Adolescents with Dr Russ Harris (16hr online training, 2020), ACT for Adolescents with Dr Louise Hayes (12hr workshop, 2020), ACT as a brief intervention with Russ Harris (6 week programme, 2021), Trauma Informed Acceptance and Commitment Training with Russ Harris (6 week programme, Nov 2022)

I am a delivery partner of multiple Neurodiverse coaching contracts active in the UK. I deliver high quality strategy coaching for adults in and outside the workplace. These adults have either been identified with a neurodiverse condition (e.g. ADHD, ASD, dyslexia, dyspraxia) or are struggling with long-term chronic health conditions (e.g. migraines, strokes, Parkinson, chronic fatigue syndrome).

In 2015, I completed a nine-day training to become a certified NLP Practitioner. I learned various NLP techniques, including submodalities, Swish patterns, anchoring, learning strategies, metamodel, milton model, and your subconsciousness (timeline therapy, hypnosis). Also, other techniques were included, such as Mindfullness, EMDR, EFT, TA, Hypnose, Timeline therapy, RET, and Wim Hof (Iceman).

I have a Master degree in Consumer Studies (Wageningen University). My speciality lies in Behavioural Economics, a branch of economic research that adds elements of psychology to traditional economic models in an attempt to better understand decision-making. My M.Sc. thesis studied the effect of conspicuousness and status on evaluations of pro-environmental behaviour.

As a former Behaviour Therapist, I dealt with behaviour change and motivation on a daily basis. Using applied behaviour analysis (ABA) I provided fun and positive interventions for individuals with learning and/or behavioural needs. ABA forms one of the building blocks for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

From September 2020 till April 2023 I volunteered for a cancer charity in my local area. I provided Acceptance and Commitment Therapy sessions for individuals (or family members of) coping with cancer. The support stopped as the charity no longer provided face-to-face sessions in my local town and moved elsewhere.


First and foremost, we want to make it clear to you that all online life coaching sessions are tailored to you. No coaching session is the same because your story and your problems are unique to you and therefore different to anyone else. That said, we can give you a general outline of how it works.

Before the session takes place, you have filled in a quick intake form, so we have an idea what you are looking to get out of a life coaching session and what you feel is preventing you from taking steps forward. For example, this can be that you’re currently struggling with confidence, anxiety, relationship issues, lack of direction in life, struggling with difficult thoughts, etc. Nick will make sure he understands, clarifies, and ask questions and challenge you when needed. This is needed so that we can figure out exactly where your problem lies and what you think deserves attention first.

The idea is, we work together as a team, to help you build the sort of life you want to live. This can involve learning skills to unhook yourself from difficult thoughts or feelings, finding out what matters to you, and taking action to solve your problems. The best way to do this is the same way you would learn to ride a bike, by practising these skills until you do it on your own. As the sessions continue, you should start to develop skills to move more flexibly towards the life you want, regardless of how you feel, or what you think.

The session ends by updating your coaching plan, in which you record your goals and actions are written down. This is updated every session, so you’re held accountable and see your progress. Sometimes handouts, videos, audio files, and/or even illustrations will be send to you after our session via our confidential and personalised PsychFlex app. This allows you to access relevant and applicable resources you can access in your own time at your own pace to reinforce your learning and increase the likelihood you will take committed action towards the things you care about.

Book in a session

Using the booking form below. Book a single session, or commit to a package of 3 or 6.

Fill in the intake form

Which is emailed to you after you book a session. This way, we have a better understanding what you are looking to get out of the coaching sessions.

Attend the session

We gather the context, establish where your problem lies and what you think deserves attention first.

We work together as a team, learning psychological skills and you'll chip away towards meaningful goals and overcome obstacles that get in the way of that.

Ongoing accountability

We update your coaching plan every session so you know what you're committing to and can track your progress.

Relevant resources (e.g. handouts, audio files, illustrations, etc.) will be send to you in your secure client coaching portal to reinforce your learning and increase the likelihood you will take committed action towards the things you care about.

CLient coaching portal

You willl have a dedicated client coaching portal. It’s where they can go to get access to any materials, see a history of the support (via past sessions and forms), and communicate with the coach between sessions (via chat, emojis and even voice notes). 

In your portal, you can find tailored psychological techniques and resources. This can be anything: videos, links, audio files, text, images. It’s fully customisable and it’s directly linked to the content of tour sessions. By having 24/7 access to your resources, you are making it more likely that you’ll commit to the change you’re facing and continue to practice the skills you have learned in previous sessions. 

PACKAGE options

Please find our options for 1-to-1 coaching below to see what best fit your needs.


£70per hour


Good option if you want to try it out and see if this coaching works for you. 

Client portal

The client coaching portal is not included. 

Book single session

BLOCK of 3

£65per hour


Good option to go a bit deeper with the coaching work and use a coaching plan.

Client portal

You get access the the client coaching portal. 

Book package of 3 

Block Of 6

£60per hour


Good option if you want to sustain change over a longer period of time.  

Client portal

You get access the the client coaching portal.

Book package of 6 

Booking coaching

Sometimes just one session is enough for people; it gets them moving in the right direction; and that’s all they need. And sometimes people like to come back a few times, to go a bit further with the work or keep the accountability in place.

Our 1-to-1 online life coaching sessions can be safely and securely booked via the booking form below, either using debit/credit card or PayPal. If you book 3 or 6 sessions, you only book in the first session with help of the booking form. You’ll agree a date & time for the follow-up sessions after you have had the first session.  You can also use the form to have a peek at my availability over the next couple of weeks without confirming your booking.


Don’t want to commit to a session yet? Maybe this is something for you.

Request a free 15-minute discovery call via Zoom, so you can fire any questions you might have and see if we are a good fit. This way, you can also judge for yourself if this is something that offers value.

Book call


It only takes 15 minutes of your time, so really you have nothing to lose. Just bring along a curious and open mind.

Time to think

No need to commit to a session after the call. You can have time to think and the decision is entirely yours.


Use the calendar to pick a slot that works for you (morning, evening, weekend).

FREE course

We're about to release a free mini-course on overcoming procrastination. Sign up below to be on the waiting list and we email you when it comes out!

Tip: Double-check you’ve spelled your email address correctly!

I promise to keep your email address safe. You can unsubscribe with one click at any time.